Tourniquet Pouch

Tourniquet Pouch


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The AR Tourniquet Pouch from Armored Republic provides secure and convenient access for your SOF-T, CAT, or similarly sized tourniquet.

Material: Cordura

Dimensions: 6” x 2.5” x 1.25”

Weight: 2.5 ounces

Features: Securely holds your tourniquet in place for when you need it, one-handed deployment via quick-pull loop and mounts to belt vertically; MOLLE-compatible with included MALICE clip.

Malice Clips: one long (large) malice clip

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Whether you carry a firearm for a living, for self-defense, or are a recreational shooter, having a tourniquet available (and knowing how to use it correctly) can be the difference between life and death. Our tourniquet pouch offers a separate and secure way to easily access your tourniquet in the event of a life-threatening injury.

Life-saving equipment, readily accessed

The AR Tourniquet Pouch features a quick-extract feature that allows for one-handed operation. Pull on the red cord loop and the tourniquet is extracted via a strip of webbing that holds the tourniquet when it’s in the pouch.

The AR Tourniquet Pouch is designed to fit the CAT, SOF-T, and similar tourniquets and is made from genuine 500D Cordura. It attaches to your MOLLE-compatible platform via the included MALICE CLIP® or can be worn on your belt vertically or horizontally by threading your belt through the first and last MOLLE attachment webbing.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is a tourniquet used? A tourniquet is used when a person has life-threatening femoral or arterial bleeding on his/her leg or arm (extremity).
  • How do you apply a tourniquet? It is recommended that you take a STOP THE BLEED class in your area. It is a free class that provides you with hands-on training.
  • Are tourniquets painful? Yes, applying a tourniquet is often regarded as more painful than the wound site. A tourniquet uses torque pressure around the muscle bone or tissue to pinch the artery closed. This is vital, despite the pain, to stop the bleeding as the other alternative is often death.


Why Carry a Tourniquet?

Before 2001, medics generally were taught not to use tourniquets or hemostatic agents. The U.S. Department of Defense developed Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) in 1996, but much of the practices were still not in place by the inception of the global war on terror. Most of the U.S. military members deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan went without tourniquets.

The use of tourniquets increased dramatically when the early battlefield data started trickling in on TCCC and tourniquets. By 2006, they had become more of a priority in treatment. By 2011, preventable deaths due to extremity hemorrhage were down by about 67%. The number of lives TCCC and tourniquet applications have saved is now in the thousands.

Tourniquets have saved many lives on our own soil in combat situations. With the ongoing threat of terrorism and active shooter situations here in the U.S., a tourniquet is a small and unimposing device that can pay off big when needed.

When to Use a Tourniquet

Generally speaking, if you look at an injury and say “That’s a lot of blood”. When you see any sort of potentially lethal injury to an extremity – realize seconds matter and apply a tourniquet on it immediately.

The point of a tourniquet is to stop life-threatening bleeding from an extremity. We recommend receiving proper training as soon as possible so you feel confident in your abilities. Speed matters here so being proficient and fast while ensuring proper seating and securement is important.


“Bleeding to death can happen very quickly. If the hemorrhaging isn’t stopped, a person can bleed to death in just five minutes. And if their injuries are severe, this timeline may be even shorter.”

Holland, Kimberly. “Bleeding to Death: What Does It Feel Like, How Long Does It Take, and Am I at Risk?” Healthline, 27 July 2018,


The prevailing thinking used to be to apply direct pressure, elevate the extremity, apply additional dressings if the initial dressing soaks through, and eventually apply a tourniquet if the bleeding doesn’t stop. That approach led to countless unnecessary deaths due to hemorrhaging.

Going straight to the tourniquet for an injury involving bright red, spurting blood, is a life-saving approach. It’s the quickest way to keep someone from bleeding out, and then you can address the wound site directly from there.

Keeping blood in the body is the goal and the faster you can do that the better. This also has the added benefit of preventing shock from blood loss, keeping your patient conscious, and with a higher probability of survival.


How to Apply a Tourniquet

Follow the instructions that come with your specific tourniquet, because the setup varies.

Let’s assume you’ve noticed life-threatening bleeding from an extremity (yours or someone else’s). You determine you need to act.

Follow these steps:

Step 1. Remove your tourniquet from its pouch and open the band wide enough to go over the injured extremity.             

Step 2. Position the tourniquet as far up on the extremity as possible, since you may have trouble identifying the precise location of the wound. Placing the tourniquet too close to the wound can worsen the patient’s condition and may not even stop the bleed.

Step 3. Make sure your tourniquet placement is not over any joints or items in the clothing like a cell phone or car keys.

Step 4. Cinch the tourniquet band down tightly on the extremity. It’s very important to get it nice and snug on this step, regardless of which tourniquet you’re using.

Step 5. Turn the windlass to cause the tourniquet to constrict on the limb. Continue turning the windlass until the bleeding stops and there’s no distal pulse. This may take 3-5 (or more) complete revolutions of the windlass. Keep in mind, this will be painful for the patient. But it is a lifesaving measure.

Step 6. Secure the windlass inside the clasp or D-ring so it doesn’t unravel. You’ll want to wrap the tail around until there’s none left so it doesn’t snag.

Step 7. If you have a CAT, pull down the white Velcro retention strap. If you have a SOF-T Wide, tuck the end of the windlass into the D-ring.

Step 8. Ensure there’s still no bleeding or distal pulse. If you find either, you may need to tighten your tourniquet or place a second tourniquet next to the first one.

Step 9. Write down the time you placed the tourniquet on the time tag. On the CAT, you can find this on the white or gray retention flap. On the SOF-T Wide, there’s a label at the end of the hanging strap.

Step 10. Periodically reassess your intervention as you prepare for transport to a medical facility.


Staging a Tourniquet

Keep in mind that having a tourniquet staged ready to use in the right place matters. There are certain do’s and don’ts when mounting a tourniquet to a plate carrier, storing in a vehicle, or on your person. Here are some tips:

  1. Stage your tourniquet so it is at its widest when opened up. You never know what limb your tourniquet will go on, so having it wide enough to slip around your upper thigh is a good minimum size to keep your tourniquet adjusted to. You can always make it smaller on the fly with little effort. DO NOT keep the clasp securement strap (with the word TIME written on it) closed. You need to slip your windlass in that quickly and do not want to be trying to open that strap after you have applied tension to the windlass.
  2. When storing your tourniquet on your plate carrier make sure your tourniquet is accessible by BOTH HANDS, or have multiple tourniquets, accessible by each hand. Likewise, make sure your tourniquet’s windlass is facing INWARD toward you, not outward, away from you.
  3. Keep your tourniquets accessible and store multiple tourniquets in your vehicle. You never know when you will be the first one on an accident scene and car crashes usually involve multiple parties.
  4. Always keep a tourniquet on your person. If you carry a knife, a light, a spare mag, and a gun, you can also fit a tourniquet into your everyday carry with little change in accommodation and a massive uptick in your readiness capabilities.

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